
Luís Ferreira

Sensing Future Technologies

Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday 10:40 h – 13:00 h
  • Wednesday 14:00 h – 18:00 h
DescriptionSensing Future Technology designs, develops and implements technological medical devices.
Organization Type Company
Organization Size1-10
Founding Year2011
Areas of Activities

Medical devices

    Information and Communication Technology

      Physiotherapy, Orthopaedic Technology

        Imaging proceedings

          Offer & Request

          Expertise in Hardware and Software development to H2020 Health Projects

          Medical Devices - Electronic Health Record- Telemedicine- Medical Robotics- Instrumentation- Active Ageing- Diagnostic- Patient Monitoring

          Keywords: Medical devicesTelemedicineRoboticsInstrumentationActive AgeingMonitoring
          Cooperation Offered
          1. Research co-operation
          2. Technical co-operation
          Cooperation Requested
          1. Research co-operation
          2. Technical co-operation

          Telemedicine, IoT and Health Robotics

          We have great interest in solutions already developed (and ready for the market) in the following areas: Telemedicine; IoT; Health Robotics; Patient Monitoring;

          Keywords: TelemedicineIoTRoboticsMonitoring
          Cooperation Offered
          1. Technical co-operation
          2. Research co-operation
          Cooperation Requested
          1. Distribution

          Looking for a Distributor/Agent Sales for a medical device to rehabilitation based in VisualFeedback

          PhysioSensing consists of a pressure platform, which sends real-time data to a software and displays to users and health professionals. It allows balance and posture assessment in various anatomical planes. Also it makes load transfers possible in various plans and performs and analyses dynamic movements. It provides real-time visual biofeedback through very intuitive interfaces, provides valuable objective data to health professionals and even an extra motivation for users in rehabilitation.

          Features: Visual Biofeedback; Balance and Stability; Load Transfers; Plantar Pressure Map.

          Distribuitor in Physiotherapy Field

          Keywords: PhysioSensingpressure platformsoftwarebalancepostureload transfersbiofeedbackrehabilitationPressurePhysiotherapy
          Cooperation Offered
          1. Distribution
          Cooperation Requested
          1. Distribution