
Alberto Abreu da Silva


Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday 10:40 h – 13:00 h
  • Wednesday 14:00 h – 18:00 h
DescriptionWe intend to explore the human potential of the health professionals and services by delivering interdisciplinary, dynamic and tailored interventions, aiming at improving the individual, colective and institutional performances and, consequently, healthcare. Nobox wants to contribute for the strengthning of healthcare by investing in the human potential of its professionals and services.
Organization Type Consulting, Company
Areas of Activities


    Offer & Request

    Interpersonal competencies training for health professionals

    Offered: Consulting and Training for healthcare professionals in interpersonal competencies from strategic planning to communication and leadership.

    Request: technological support for learning platforms development and financing; partnership opportunities

    Cooperation Offered
    1. Other
    2. Research co-operation
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Other
    2. Investment/Financing
    3. Technical co-operation