Rui Sousa


Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday 10:40 h – 13:00 h
  • Wednesday 14:00 h – 18:00 h
DescriptionStemmatters develops ground breaking medical devices for regenerative medicine applications. Stemmatters provides contract manufacturing services according to cGMP requirements.
Organization Type Company
Organization Size11-25
Founding Year2007
Areas of Activities

Medical devices

    Physiotherapy, Orthopaedic Technology


        Offer & Request

        Development & manufacturing of regenerative medicine products

        Stemmatters is a fully integrated biotechnology company, seeking R&D and manufacturing collaborations with entities engaged in the regenerative medicine space. Company holds key scientific and operational competences that are supported by a highly qualified and experienced team, as well as by integrated resources, including a very agile R&D and a cGMP compliant manufacturing facility.

        Keywords: BiomaterialsMedical DevicesCell therapiesCell based productsGMPR&DRegenerative MedicineTissue Engineering
        Cooperation Offered
        1. License agreement
        2. Research co-operation
        3. Technical co-operation
        Cooperation Requested
        1. Investment/Financing
        2. License agreement