Isabel Costa Pereira

Research Manager
CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research

Bilateral Meetings

  • Wednesday 10:40 h – 13:00 h
  • Wednesday 14:00 h – 18:00 h
DescriptionCINTESIS is a R&D center hosted by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
It integrates health technologies development and assessment research (e.g. ICT and biomaterials) with clinical and health services research, aiming the acceleration of innovation in healthcare across a spectrum of activities that span from knowledge discovery and product design to the delivery of new medical products, devices and services.
Although the unit will find a solid host institution at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, its management and research structures and labs will be mostly decentralized, involving other higher education institutions such as ICBAS, ISEP, ESEP and Aveiro Algarve and Madeira universities, besides several hospitals and healthcare providers.
Organization Type University, Research
Areas of Activities

Medical devices

    Information and Communication Technology



        Biotechnology expertise

        Biotechnology expertise in the interface of

        Cooperation Offered
        1. Research co-operation
        Cooperation Requested
        1. Technical co-operation
        2. Research co-operation