Isabelle POTTIER
Life Sciences Division
Paris Region CCI - Enterprise Europe Network
Bilateral Meetings
- Wednesday 14:00 h – 18:00 h
DescriptionThe Paris Ile-de-France Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) assists local French companies interested in doing business at an international level. A large range of customized services is provided to help them to grow their business and to expand internationally.
The Paris Ile-de-France Regional CCI is also a member of the European Commission network: Enterprise Europe Network. It is the EU’s largest business support network with 600 partner organizations in more than 50 countries. Enterprise Europe Network helps SMEs, universities and research organizations to build international partnerships, to grow their business and to collaborate in EU funded R&D projects.
Organization Type
Areas of Activities
Medical devices
Hospital and Care equipment
Operating technology and equipment
Medical Services
Physiotherapy, Orthopaedic Technology
Commodities and consumer goods
Partnerships with French companies and academics
Do you have a technological offer or request? Let's together find French co-operation partners for your products and processes.
As member of the Healthcare and BioChemTech sector groups of the Enterprise Europe Network, I'm in close contact with the biotech / medtech companies and academics based in Paris Region. I am also working with clusters dedicated to these fields.
Cooperation Offered
- Other
Cooperation Requested
- Other